The intent of this game is to take a simple, almost forgettable experience and exaggerate on it. I took a simple game of hide-and-seek and made it a great ordeal. After first rounds of feedback, I got exactly the descriptions I wanted such as tense, mysterious, and even an adventure. I really wanted to experiment with perspective, if as a storyteller, I could elicit a certain reaction from the audience. Instead of choosing an emotional response, I was looking for almost a physical one.  More specifically, tiredness. As the game goes on and the player explores the area around them, even if they themselves did not feel sleepy from playing they had a crystal clear image of the exhaustion the player was going through. I focused on the feeling of tiredness because it was the most prominent and shared feeling from my real experience, now no one was actually passing out, but I felt the game needed some dramatic stakes. In addition to the well-known goals of hide and seek, I chose to use upfront the feeling of tiredness to also become a feature of the game that the player has some control over.

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